*(More than...) 100 Things About Me*


My birthday is July 3rd

I am 53

Hair color - brown/grey

eye color - grey/green

I love all pixels, especially crimson mist - BB - rosey posey pixels - Rutan

Children---I have 2 boys, they are 33 and 31.
I gave the first for adoption when he was 3 days old.
I was not ready to be a mom and he went to a family who had waited 10 years to adopt..
Married?---nope.  Live single and won't marry again.
Job---nope.  Disabled.  I have a blood disorder and a condition called Lymphedema. 
Lymphedema is the main thing i struggle with day to day. it causes huge amounts of swelling and pain..
I also have Hypothyroidism, hashimotos disease, C-PTSD, Severe Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lipodema, diabetes, May Thurner Syndrome,  and recently i was diagnosed with degenerative disease in my neck.
Pets---I have 2 Kitties.  Their names are Shasta and Ying-Yang.  Tucker the Tank and Roscoe
I will have pics up somewhere soon..
Ying-Yang passed away November 22nd, 2016
Tucker the tank was adopted February 14th, 2016
Shasta passed away November 30, 2018
Tucker the tank passed away September 10th, 2019
Roscoe was adopted November 16, 2018
Where do I live---California, USA
Favorite Movies---Ice Age, ShawShank Redemption, anything by Pixar or DreamWorks
Favorite Brand of Chocolate---Lindt, found a new favorite, Florence's Exquisite chocolates in Rexburg.  Now those ARE bar none the best, I also love these really awesome dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's, but sadly no trader joes where I am now.
Favorite Music---Anything from death rock to Alternative but I mostly listen to Meditation things.
Favorite colors---Pink, Purple, orange, Red, black, Pink, Green, Yellow, but love all colors.  Even the icky ones...LOL
Favorite Foods---Mashed Potatoes and gravy, it is my comfort food.  I also really love roasted vegies, steak as long as it is good steak, bacon, tacos, fajitas,
About My Web Sites---I own/maintain several websites
--->See the contact page for links
About My Groups--- I own several groups on both Yahoo and Groups.io..
I co-own Learn2PSP with my good friend KimS
My fotki is where I show off my SigTags...
you can see all the tags I have made since October 2018 there
What other online goodies do I do---Scrap Kits, Digital Photos, Digital Cross Stitch Patterns, Fractals, I have been using PSP since about 1996.
Favorite Morning Drink---Coffee with a splash of DaVinci Vanilla or carmel syrup and honey to sweeten with half and half..
Favorite Numbers---3, 5, 7 ,9  [7 being at the top of that list]
Tattoos---I have 7 large ones, 2 dragons [one is a tribal fire dragon and one is similar to a Pena dragon], left arm full sleeve with the pena dragon, tribals, a raven with a celtic band, a tribal on my left hand, medicine feathers down my left side extending from another tribal gem band.
Astro sign---Cancer, I would love to do more research on all the other aspects of my sign.

*InkkFreakk's BookBox*

I love to read when I can.  Over the last couple years I have
read quite a few books and a huge list of ones still to read and get.
I will read anything by Anne rice, had the whole set before I moved
Current Book I am reading---
--My absolute favorite thing is chocolate.  I am never without some.
--I LOVE pillows and blankets.  Can never have too many as long as they aren't fuzzy ones...
--I love to drive sometimes.
--I love to watch episodes of anything from the SyFy channel
--I love to do puzzles
--I love to do all kinds of hand crafts like embroidery, quilting, ribbon embroidery, cross stitch, hand quilting,
--I love Robin Williams, he's hilarious. I am so very sad he is gone...
--I love Jeff Dunham and Peanut too.. OMG Peanut is to funny.. Check it out.
--I love true crime TV shows and books. 
--I love to read all kinds of books
--I LOVE LOVE LOVE using post its.  They work for every little note you need to write and they STICK!!!
--I LOVE Cartoons, but only the old school ones and a few select current ones.
--I love my solitude, peace and being alone.  No one to fight with, no one to disturb my sanctuary.
--I love the rain.  To stand in the rain is so cleansing and such a life giving experience for me.
--I love doing digital graphics, scrapbook kits, fractals, pixels, web sites, and more I am sure I can't think of right now.
--I love yogurt, especially greek yogurt.
--I like to do computer games like Sims 3 [most of all], Zeus, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Cleopatra, Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom.
--I like to read before bed.  Get comfy and read till my eyes are ready to drop
--I like to have fried red potatoes, onion, celery, mushrooms and red peppers for breakfast cooked with a wonderful Mediterranean flavor olive oil.
--I like super chunky peanut butter with apple slices.

*Favorite Things*

all kinds of semi precious stones
Soft easy music to meditate to
Movies that make me cry
Chewing ice
Stuffed Animals
Doing Hand Crafts
Candles (I always have at least one burning)
Porcelain Dolls
Native American Indian Bead and Leather work
(I have done these for over 30+ years)
Cartoons (old School and non anime)
Reading (meditational and self help stuff)
my absolute favorite smell in cosmetics/perfumes/candles is vanilla
more to come as I think of things...
--I absolutely despise liars, cheats and thieves.
--I do not like to go shopping.
--I can't stand people who snore, lol,, omg it's so annoying....
--I dislike clutter.  I am very ocd about keeping things in the place assigned for them. But....
--I constantly try to find better places for things to best utilize what space I have which Isn't much.
--I dislike the heat in summer.
--I do not like rude or inconsiderate people.
--I prefer spring and fall, not too hot and not too cold
--I am always on the search for self help goodies to read and reap a few pointers from.
--My kitties always make me smile even when I'm crying hard.
--I am allergic to walnuts and shellfish
--Dark chocolate is my favorite.
--I refuse to eat anything with eyes or legs
--My favorite smells are, rain, vanilla, Victoria's secret love spell, chocolate, steak.
--I am a country girl stuck in a concrete city jungle. I am back in the country but I hate it here
--Polka dots are the BOMB!!!---So is plaid and hound's-tooth!
--My favorite flower is yellow roses.
--I am intuitive and kindhearted. Except when provoked.
--I have very low tolerance of most people. my life has been filled with people that were not so kind.
--I don't play well with others who have hurt me or treated me badly.
--Most everything I know and have learned has been self taught.
--I am a very deep person so I often feel alone even when I'm not.
--I am very linear and analytical.  Constantly thinking and learning.  Been called Pragmatic.
--I am constantly looking back on my life and learning and growing from it..
it has become my personal tool of self power and strength.
--I go to bed early and get up early [most of the time], sometimes it cycles on me so I really have no choice.  I usually don't sleep until I drop but I try to go to bed early so I am prepared for it..
--I will never date or be married again.
--I own a PSP Learning group. I like to teach and help when I can.
--I am not a fan of most rap, but some is ok
--I brush my teeth on the shower
--I have way too many interests for my lifetime, but I hope to accomplish at least some of my goals.
--I don't wear make up
--I am Native American Indian and a bit of other stuff.  My Tribe is Shoshoni-Blackfeet
--I don't curl or do anything to my hair.  I do use a blow dryer occasionally when I need to go somewhere and its cold in the morning.
--I never drink carbonated drinks
--I have a very large distaste for Organized Religions
--I learned about unconditional love from my animals, not my family.
--What I want in life is to be someone's world, to be loved truly... that would be awesome, but I doubt it will ever happen, but I also hold some hope that it might.   so over this one..
--I am a cat person, dogs are cool but I cant have one where I am at..
--I can't watch the news without getting pissed, so I simply avoid it.  So many stupid people.